A big part of why we are Freemasons is to support charities
A care home combines freedom from the stresses of keeping up a home, with the security of knowing that your needs will be met. For some people it not only provides better care but brings a new lease of life – free from the worries of trying to cope alone.
Pond Meadow Academy Trust provides education for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD), and with Complex and Profound Learning Difficulties (including complex medical needs). The school provides places for children aged 2 – 19, split into upper (11-19) and lower (2 -11) phases.
The Motor Neurone Disease Association is the only national charity in England, Wales and Northern Ireland focused on improving access to care, research and campaigning for those people living with or affected by MND.

3rd Banstead Scout Group

The lodge had previously donated £500 to help support the 3rd Banstead Scout group in the acquisition of their new minibus...here are some photos.

As a surprise the lodge were able to donate another £500, while obviously following the social distancing regulations, as you can see from the Deputy Provincial Grand Master.

The Scout leaders were kind enough to also show us around their impressive site but I am not sure anyone was keen to complete the 'Wall Climb'!

Pond Meadow School

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